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Dressing The Bed For The Holidays: Part 1

Dressing The Bed For The Holidays: Part 1

By Ann McDonald

Holiday Treats for our most personal space, our Bedrooms.

As the holidays approach and the stress of making everything right for everyone else becomes the charge of the “housemaker”, remember to keep your private spaces inspiring, free of clutter and an emotional place of safety. Make them special enough to put a smile on your face when you walk in.

Why do we think our Bedroom should have just one outfit?  We certainly don’t! That said, it’s easier than you think to re-dress your bed. Start with what you already have.

Think seasonally. Think about mix and complimentary colors.

I remember well when the monogrammed almost thread bare summer spreads came out, the heavy drapes changed for lighter ones as summer arrived. Even living in California, this was a cherished passage linked to family history in Canada and the mid-west.

When the Fall arrived, we pulled the blankets from the closets. What fun to snuggle up in the cozy comforts we had stored away for the summer.

This process doesn’t need to be expensive.


TAKE TIME to clear your head and think about what you have that would inspire you. Don’t just peruse the internet or hop in the car and head to Nieman’s……as I said before, start with what you have.

Do you have a favorite throw that sits in the Family Room?  An inherited blanket that has special meaning? A pillow in the Guest Room that you actually want in your private space? Attend to your private spaces first and the rest of the house will follow.

Truth is, I change the ‘outfit’ on my bed every week. Not by purchasing new, but with the change of sheets I combine different blankets, shams, coverlets. I will reverse or remove the dust ruffle. Fold a blanket differently at the end of the bed. Layer differently. Some of my favorites are the older pieces that are less than perfect. So out of style they are new again. Combine them with one or two new pieces for the year and voila, you are both eco and trend setting ;).

Let me encourage you to trust your gut, trust your eye….and if you love it, that’s enough.

Remember, beauty doesn’t always ‘match’….look around you at how God’s bounty mixes colors, textures, shapes & sizes. And when was the last time that bounty looked like a photo in a catalog?? Read our “About Page”….why do we believe the catalog??!!

Tomorrow (thank you blog test friends!) we will keep on this topic for some encouraging photos (that is if we can figure out how to upload them)…..


Have a safe Halloween!

Enjoy this throwback to the early days of Designed Daily… this post originally appeared on October 31, 2011!

Xo – A.

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